croate noms de famille commençant par U

croate noms par ordre alphabétique:
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Nom de famille Origine Sens
Ucakar croate
Uccusic croate
Ucota croate
Ucotich croate
Ucucic croate
Ucucich croate
Ucusich croate
Udinovic croate
Udinovich croate
Udovic croate Name UDOVIC is a Latin spelling of it...
Udovich croate Name UDOVICH is a Latin spelling of i...
Udovichich croate
Udovicic croate
Udovicich croate
Uglanica croate
Uglesic croate
Uglesich croate
Uglessich croate
Ugovic croate
Ugovich croate
Ugrin croate Male name UGRIN is a Latin spelling o...
Ugrina croate Female name UGRINA is a Latin spellin...
Ugrinovic croate
Uhan croate Name UHAN is a Latin spelling of its ...
Uhric croate
Uicic croate
Nom de famille Origine Sens
Uicich croate
Ujcic croate
Ujcich croate
Ujdur croate
Ujevic croate
Ujevich croate
Ujivich croate
Ujlaky croate
Ujovic croate
Ujovich croate
Ukalovich croate
Ukic croate
Ukota croate
Ukotic croate
Ukropina croate
Ukusic croate
Ulac croate
Ulach croate
Ulaho croate
Ulahos croate
Ulahovic croate
Uleric croate
Ulerich croate
Ulevic croate

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